Donor Gives School $10K Gift in Honor of Former Principal

Mrs. Anna L. Bragg, principal of Annunciation Catholic School in Havelock, NC, announced that the school recently received a $10K donation from an anonymous donor in honor of her predecessor Mrs. June Pietras. Bragg noted that the gift, with the donor’s enthusiastic support, will go toward the new playground being constructed at the school. Bragg said, “Community involvement and good citizenship is something we teach and encourage with our students. This donation will be a shining example to our kids of what it means to be a generous giver without seeking reward or publicity.”

Mrs. Pietras, in whose honor the donation was given, is tremendously grateful for the contribution, “To think that someone thought of the school and me with such a generous and timely gift is truly a blessing. Although, I don’t know who the donor is, I am so thankful for the thoughtfulness – toward me and the school. I am humbled that someone would make a donation like this in my honor.”

Fr. Bill Upah, pastor of Annunciation Catholic Church, said, “Our parish is grateful to have such a wonderful school, and we are very grateful that we have people who support us. I especially would like to thank this donor for their generous gift to start off such a worthwhile project.”

Construction of the playground project, with an estimated cost of $40K, is slated to start in the fall. The playground will be more than 2,230 square feet in size and will include accessible features so that all students may participate. Bragg stated, “The playground construction is a wonderful event for our school. We are so fortunate to receive the donation that will lead the way to raising the funds necessary to complete the project. We hope others will see the value the playground will offer the school and join in funding the project.” Bragg said anyone interested in helping fund the playground can contact the school at 252-447-3137.

Annunciation Catholic is a pre-kindergarten thru 8th grade school located in Havelock, NC, serving the community of Havelock and more than 160 students from throughout Craven and Carteret counties.