Father Thomas Frederick Price

Cause for the Beatification and Canonization of Father Thomas Price

The diocesan phase for the Cause for Beatification and Canonization of Father Thomas Frederick Price opened on March 9, 2012, with the official installation of a Tribunal charged with the formal study of the life, virtues and the reputation of the sanctity of Father Price. The opening of the diocesan phase of the Cause took place within the context of Solemn Vespers (Evening Prayer) at Sacred Heart Cathedral.

The Tribunal that will study Father Price is led by the Very Reverend James F. Garneau, V.F., Ph.D., Pastor of Saint Mary of the Angels Catholic Church in Mount Olive, North Carolina, whom Bishop Burbidge has appointed Episcopal Delegate for the Cause of Father Price. The Tribunal also includes Dr. Andrea Ambrosi, appointed by the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints as Postulator of the Cause for Beatification and Canonization of Father Price, and other members, assisted by a Historical Commission and a Theological Commission.

As part of the diocesan phase of the Cause, Bishop Burbidge signed an Edict for the Opening of the Cause for Beatification and Canonization for Father Price on February 28, 2012. It requests that all those who can give valid testimony regarding the life, virtues and the reputation of the sanctity of Father Price, even if they have negative proof, are to contact the Tribunal. They may do so by contacting the Office of the Vicar General, 7200 Stonehenge Drive, Raleigh, NC 27613-1620.

Articles and Related Information

Closing of the Diocesan Phase of the Cause for the Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Father Thomas F. Price

Seminarian Philip Johnson Writes About Fr. Price

Update on Cause for Canonization of Father Thomas Price

Series on Fr. Price "Tarheel Apostle" Continues

An Introduction to Father Thomas Frederick Price: The "Tar Heel Apostle"

Edict for Cause Signed by Bishop Michael F. Burbidge (PDF)