Year of St. Joseph in the Diocese of Raleigh
Marking the 150th anniversary of Blessed Pope Pius IX’s declaration of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church, Pope Francis has proclaimed a year dedicated to St. Joseph.
The Holy Father wrote the apostolic letter, “Patris Corde” (“With a father’s heart”), during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the letter he wrote, “My desire to do so increased during these months of pandemic, when we experienced, amid the crisis, how our lives are woven together and sustained by ordinary people, people often overlooked.” In this, he said, they resemble Saint Joseph, “the man who goes unnoticed, a daily, discreet and hidden presence,” who played an incomparable role in the history of salvation.
“Patris Corde” reveals the heart of Saint Joseph, who the Holy Father describes as courageous, obedient and loving through his personal reflections.
The Diocese of Raleigh will commence the Year of Saint Joseph on his feast day, March 19. The yearlong observation will continue through December 8, 2021. Resources devoted to Saint Joseph will be updated throughout the year.
Diocesan pilgrimages
The Holy See has granted a plenary indulgence for the faithful who make a pilgrimage to churches or sacred places named after Saint Joseph during this special year.
Diocesan churches named after Saint Joseph
Saint Joseph the Worker, Warrenton
Prayer cards (PDF): English | Spanish
Novena to St. Joseph, March 10-18 (PDF): English | Spanish
VIDEOS: Patris Corde: With a Father's Heart - Watch on YouTube
St. Joseph and Fatherhood
- Prayer Toolkit for Men
- Popular Men’s Ministry Programs
- Parenting Resources
- Catholic Streaming Platform for Men
- Video on Fatherhood by Knights of Columbus
- St Joseph: Our Father in Faith (booklet)
- St Joseph, A Father of Fathers (article)
- Consecration to St Joseph Prayer Card
- 8 Things Every Catholic Dad Should Know About Fatherhood
- St. Joseph: A Father Like No Other
Año de san José y recursos para los papás
- Honremos a los Padres en el Mes de Junio (mailchi.mp)
- Esposos y Padres como San José - Por Tu Matrimonio
- ¿Por qué debemos celebrar el día del Padre? - Por Tu Matrimonio
- Soy un padre feliz - Por Tu Matrimonio
- La bendición de un buen padre - Por Tu Matrimonio
- Celebremos el Año de San José - Por Tu Matrimonio
- Besar la alianza cada día, la indulgencia especial de san Juan XXIII
- Papa Francisco: ¡Feliz Día del Padre! ¡Sean como San José! (aciprensa.com)
- Oración en el Día del Padre - ACI Prensa
- «¡Yo soy tu padre!». Un video para celebrar el día del Padre (catholic-link.com)
- Panfletos y material para imprimir
- 7 consejos del papa Francisco para ser un buen papá (aleteia.org)
- El padre bueno y el buen padre - ACI Prensa
- Cómo convertirte en un buen Papá católico para tus hijos. (pildorasdefe.net)
- “Padre Amado”