If you give a bishop a cookie


Students make a sweet visit for CSW

RALEGH - Four students from Cardinal Gibbons High School visited Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama at the Catholic Center Wednesday, Feb. 2 for Catholic Schools Week.

The students talked with the bishop about their classes, sports, challenges and career goals. The group also discussed the bishop’s upcoming pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

Freshmen Maddie Pennisi and Mary Pratt joined junior Jennifer Tran and senior Will Mason in sharing a gift of gourmet cookies. Each cookie was decorated with the logo of a Diocese of Raleigh Catholic School.

The cookies were made by artist Amy Mullee, a St. Mary Magdalene parishioner and Gibbons parent. The ten cookies represented the following schools: Our Lady of Lourdes, St. Raphael, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Michael, Cathedral, Immaculata, St. Catherine of Sienna, The Franciscan School, St. Thomas More and Cardinal Gibbons.

Educators Gary Meyerl, a 1982 Gibbons grad and director of the school’s spiritual life, and Darsey Williams, who teaches a freshman seminar and works with the school’s yearbook, also visited.

“Bishop Zarama left a lasting impressions on the four students as a result of yesterday’s visit,” said Meyerl. “They spoke about how the bishop made them feel so welcome and that he seemed to be genuinely interested in who they are, what they like about Gibbons, their life dreams and even the things that might prevent them from going after their life’s dreams.”

The bishop wasn’t the only one to receive a cookie delivery. Principals from each school mentioned above received a batch of cookies with their school’s logo. And those deliveries were made by a Gibbons student who formerly attended that Catholic school.
