World Youth Day

What is World Youth Day?

World Youth Day is a symbol of love of Christ for humanity. Young people around the world respond to the invitation to gather, to pilgrimage and to experience the universal Church through personal encounter, prayer, worship and catechesis.

What is a pilgrimage?

A pilgrimage is a crossing a person makes to a holy place for the purpose of venerating it or to ask for heavenly aid, and ultimately to come to know God better. In the past, pilgrims would leave their homes, families and comforts to walk for hundreds of miles with nothing but what they could carry on their backs. Just as the pilgrims from the early centuries, modern pilgrims also leave their homes, families and comforts in order to journey to sacred places.

World Youth Day in Lisbon 2023

This year World Youth Day will be Tuesday, August 1, 2023, to Sunday, August 6, 2023, in Lisbon, Portugal. To learn more, visit the official website:

The Diocese of Raleigh is taking a pilgrimage group led by Father Ian Vanheusen, Chaplain for WYD. Registration for this group is now closed.