On November 15, Bishop Luis Zarama, together with brother priests and parishioners, celebrated Mass for all deceased bishops and priests of the Diocese of Raleigh at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Newton Grove.
The Mass, offered annually, typically on All Souls' Day, recognizes all of the faithful departed of the diocese. This year, as the diocese celebrates its 100th anniversary, the Mass took on special significance.
During his homily, Bishop Luis spoke of immigrants and how typically one person makes the journey first and encourages others to follow.
“They send news,” Bishop Luis said, “that life is better, things can be better.”
He asked why we are not listening to Jesus, the first to tell how to live a better life. And he challenged us to be inspired by those who came before us in eastern North Carolina.
“Are we hungry for a better life? Are we ready to dream big, and not always be afraid, and to cross the border?”
High school students from Cardinal Gibbons High and Saint Thomas More Academy were in attendance as lectors, altar servers and choir members. Following the Mass, the bishop and priests in attendance offered prayers and blessings for those laid to rest in the cemetery on the parish grounds.
A central location within the Diocese of Raleigh, Newton Grove has held a special role in the mission of the Church in Eastern North Carolina. Bishop Vincent S. Waters and Bishop Joseph Gossman and many priests are buried at the cemetery.