
"Charity will never be true charity unless it takes justice into account ... Let no one attempt with small gifts of charity to exempt themselves from the great duties imposed by justice."
Pope Pius XI, Divini Redemptoris , #49

Catholic Voice NC

More than 800,000 residents of North Carolina profess the Catholic faith in the 187 parishes and missions of the Dioceses of Raleigh and Charlotte. Catholic Voice NC facilitates a grassroots effort by concerned Catholics in North Carolina to educate and influence our lawmakers. When an important issue arises you will receive an e-mail alert with the option to contact your legislator to express your Catholic views.

Go to the website for more information and to register.

Register today, it’s free!

Each of these issue areas are currently covered:

  • Respect Life
  • Stem Cell Research
  • End of Life
  • Immigration
  • Family Life

Faithful Citizenship

“Responsible Citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation."

Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship:
A Call to Political Responsibility from the Catholic Bishops of the United States

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has released it’s statement on Faithful Citizenship. They state, “We bishops seek to help Catholics form their consciences in accordance with the truth, so they can make sound moral choices in addressing these challenges. We do not tell Catholics how to vote. The responsibility to make political choices rests with each person and his or her properly formed conscience.”

USCCB Faithful Citizenship Document

Educational Resources on Advocacy

Two Feet of Love in Action - Catholic disciples on mission are called to put Two Feet of Love in Action! This foundational tool describes two distinct, but complementary, ways we can put the Gospel in action in response to God's love: social justice (addressing systemic, root causes of problems that affect many people) and charitable works (short-term, emergency assistance for individuals). Click above to learn more.

Links to Our State and National Legislators

Other Resources for Personal and Parish Advocacy

  • This Library of Congress site allows you to search for bills, read the entire bill text online, and check a bill’s status all the way back to the 93rd Congress; search the Congressional Record (daily record of Congressional activity); and link to the Web pages of Members of Congress and Congressional committees