These are resources for parish leaders' consideration in outreach for marriage enrichment.
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Lenten Resources for Your Marriage
Lent Challenge for Catholic Marriages {2025} – Surprised By Marriage
Stations of the Cross (For Your Marriage)
What Catholic Couples Can Do During Lent (Surprised by Marriage)
Stations of the Cross (Couple to Couple League)
Celebrating National Marriage Week 2025
Marriage: Source of Hope, Spring of Renewal. Pursue a Lasting Love!
The observances of National Marriage Week (February 7-14) and World Marriage Day (Sunday, February 11) are an opportunity to focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with supporting and promoting marriage and the family. The theme for 2025 is "Marriage: Source of Hope, Spring of Renewal. Pursue a Lasting Love!"
Resources for your home and parish:
The USCCB's Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and Youth offers the following resources to bishops, priests, deacons, married couples, and lay men and women to help celebrate and live the great gift of married life!
- At-Home Couples’ Retreat in English and Spanish
- Posters in English and Spanish
- Social Media Graphics in English and Spanish
- Preaching Resource in English and Spanish
- USCCB National Marriage Week Press Release – Coming Soon!
- Prayer for Married Couples
- Fortifying Couples & Families Video Series
- Lectio Divina
- Made for Love episodes for National Marriage Week
Resources to build up your marriage all year long:
- Listen to Marriage Unique for a Reason’s Made for Love Podcast, which tells the stories of real people living out the call to love. Here are some of our recent favorite episodes on marriage:
- Episode 96: Finances and Faith plus Before Midnight Part 1
- Episode 97: Finances and Faith plus Before Midnight Part 2
- Episode 103: Aquinas and Casablanca
- Take a look at our Daily Marriage Tips. Maybe you’ll find a new idea to strengthen your relationship.
- Worldwide Marriage Encounter, provides numerous resources for celebrating World Marriage Day.
Missionary's of Mercy in Marriage - Hosted by Mary-Rose & Ryan Verret (vimeo.com)
Couples' Novena - Witness to Love
NMW Parish Resources - Witness to Love
What are The 5 Love Languages?
The Marriage Courses — Got Questions - Try Alpha (alphausa.org)
Lasting: Marriage Counseling & Couples Therapy App (getlasting.com)
Virtual Date Night - Witness to Love
Civil Marriage Initiative - Witness to Love
Agapé Catholic Ministries
Online home-based retreats to deepen and strengthen your marriage; free communication talks to learn tips on improving communication in your relationship.
Be Light
Free virtual date night series - Five-part series features five couples who will share very real tips for renewing your marriage. Register today and let your marriage BE LIGHT! Flyer (PDF)
Part of a five-year movement to draw married couples closer together in Christ while being transformed into family missionary disciples. Monthly videos, podcasts, and music events to enrich your marriage and family life!
Better Together
Practical resources by Dynamic Catholic you can use to enrich your relationship.
Building A Eucharistic Marriage
Online video series to help you grow and thrive in your marriage
Online Resources
For Your Marriage
Articles, stories, videos, and resources for no matter where you are at: dating, engaged, newlyweds, starting a family, parenting, and the later years. Topics include: overcoming adversity, balancing family and work, date ideas, sexuality, health, and so much more!
Happy Together
A Six Date Marriage Enrichment DVD program that can be done as a couple or parish group.
10 Great Dates
A book study that connects faith, love, and marriage. Can be completed as an individual couple or in a small group setting. Blog also discusses aspects of marriage and resources to assist.
Marriage Unique for a Reason
USCCB resources on Church teaching, law and policy, prayer, and the podcast “Marriage: Unique for a Reason.”
The Vows Project
Supporting Catholic marriages through conversation and community. Free printable prayer for your spouse.
Together for Life
Articles and resources to help you walk together in your marriage. Sign up to receive their monthly newsletter with articles and marriage enrichment ideas. Topics are: spirituality, communication, sexuality and intimacy, finances, and date ideas.
The Gottman Institute - Youtube
Videos with practical, research based tools to help you in your marriage
Ministries and Apostolates
Couples for Christ
COUPLES FOR CHRIST (CFC) is a Catholic Movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian Family Life.
CFC couples are committed to the Lord and to one another so that they may grow in maturity as men and women of God and fulfill their primary vocation of raising families grounded in Christian values, in the service and love of God.
A Private International Association of the Faithful of Pontifical Right, Couples for Christ continues to rise in defense of the family by offering programs such as: Christian Life Program, Marriage Enrichment Seminar and Family Enrichment Retreat.
Teams of Our Lady
Do You Want to Grow in Holiness as a Married Couple?
“Come follow me.” Christ calls each of us as witnesses of His unending love.
Teams of Our Lady (“Teams”) shows couples that way through prayer, study, and community. Teams is an international lay movement in the Catholic Church (consisting of over 70,000 couples!), designed to enrich marriage spirituality and make good marriages even better.
Teams is organized into teams of five to seven couples from all stages of life (newly married, child rearing, and empty nesters). Each team shares a simple monthly meal, prayer, sharing on the endeavors, and a study topic. The endeavors are the heart of the spirit of Teams. The team becomes a close community that can inspire one another through their living examples of faith, and share with one another their struggles and successes on their way to holiness. Teams provide a proven method of increasing and improving prayer life, which will help couples grow closer to God and each other. At the same time, their families will reap the benefits as well.
If you would like to explore Teams of Our Lady further, please see https://www.teamsofourlady.org/.
If you would like to attend an information session and are interested in potentially joining a Team in the Diocese of Raleigh, please contact Gerry and Deirdre Schuetz at deirdre@schuetznc.com or 919-414-1829.
World Wide Marriage Encounter
Uncover the secrets to a lasting, supportive, transformational marriage!
For more than 50 years, Worldwide Marriage Encounter has helped over 3.5 million couples in almost 100 countries unlock the power of their relationships with new ways to do the “I do.” The Marriage Encounter experience helps you listen, share, and connect more deeply. There’s no group discussion. It’s just about the two of you learning to be the best, most loving and thriving couple you can be.