The Respect Life Grants were created in 2000 in the Diocese of Raleigh to support and uphold the sacredness of human life of all persons from conception to natural death, linking life issues in a consistent ethic of life.
Funds are derived from a grant provided by the Diocese of Raleigh, generated by Bishops Annual Appeal funds. The amount available each year is $10,000.
A diocesan Respect Life Grant Committee reviews the grants. Grants are awarded in October. The grants are available for all groups regardless of religious or non-religious affiliation.
Guidelines and application: PDF | Word
Promotional materials
- Flyer (PDF)
- Images:
- Square 1080x1080 (PDF)
- Square 1080x1080 (JPG)
- Rectangle 1200x628 (PDF)
- Rectangle 1200x628 (JPG)