Additional Resources for Evangelization

Living as Missionary Disciples – USCCB – This document features the four elements of evangelization:  Encounter, Accompany, Community and Send.

Forming Intentional Disciples, Sherry A. Weddell - Featured in this book are the five thresholds of conversion, helping to understand how people enter and grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and a look at charisms and how using them can lead to intentional discipleship.

Fruitful Discipleship, Sherry A. Weddell - Learning about what the charisms are and how they are used on the path of discipleship is what can be found in this book.

Deepening Faith, Sr. Ann Schaeffler, OP - This book offers a practical guide to parish faith formation leaders, catechists, and formation teams. In this book she outlines the essential foundations, methods and strategies that can support a journey of faith for adults of all generations through a lens of missionary discipleship.

National Events for Evangelization

Mid-Atlantic Congress – held in late January or early February each year is a unique and dynamic leadership conference created just for today’s Catholic, pastoral and administrative leaders.

NCCL – National Conference of Catechetical Leaders – NCCL exists to promote the ministries of catechesis and evangelization within the Church’s teaching mission and to enhance the ministerial effectiveness of its members in their service of leadership to the Catholic Church through the interchange of ideas and mutual support.  Annual convocation is in May.

LA Congress – Sponsored by the Los Angelos Catholic Archdiocese Office of Religious Education is generally held in March, gathering Catholics from across the United States.

NCEA – National Catholic Educators Association – An organization in service of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by strengthening Catholic School communities by providing professional development, formation and leadership and advocacy.  Annual conference is held in May.