The Diocese of Raleigh Eucharistic Congress opens a year of diocesan-wide celebrations marking the upcoming 100th anniversary of the diocese in 2024. The day-long event, to be held at the Raleigh Convention Center, incorporates speakers for adults and youth as well as a Spanish language track.
Join in fellowship with others from around the diocese in the exhibit hall; participate with others in Vigil Mass; partake in the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and enjoy an array of speakers. There is no charge to attend, but pre-registration is required.
For general questions about the Eucharistic Congress, please email ECQuestions@raldioc.org.
Last-minute Eucharistic Congress information
We look forward to welcoming you to the Raleigh Convention Center on Saturday for the Diocese of Raleigh Eucharistic Congress as we begin our Centennial Celebration. Here is some last minute important information:
- Consult the directions and parking information for the Raleigh Convention Center.
- Doors open at 8:00 a.m.
- As you approach the main entrance of the Convention Center at 500 South Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27601, be sure to have your app ready on your phone or the printout of the email sent on Oct. 18 confirming your registration.
- English and Spanish Track adults will enter via the General Admission doors.
- Youth and chaperones will enter via the youth entrance.
- Volunteers enter through the “Credentials” entrance on the left.
- Once you have entered the Convention Center, you will receive a wristband. This will allow you access to freely come and go at the Convention Center that day.
- The first event of the day is Morning Prayer and Adoration at 9:30 a.m. in Exhibit Hall B.
- We have tried to accommodate as many people as possible at the congress. Once Exhibit Hall B fills, you may be sent to Exhibit Hall C, where you can view a live feed of Morning Prayer and Mass.
- The app is currently set to invitation mode. Enter your email address to login and follow the link to view the workshops you selected. On Saturday, the app will be set to “public” so participants will not have to enter their email address to access it.
- While lunch will be available on site, we encourage you to also take advantage of the restaurants in the area.
- Vendors and exhibitors will be available all day on the Mezzanine Level near the Exhibit Halls.
- The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available from 12:00 noon - 4:00 p.m. in Ballroom C on the top floor.
- Once Mass has ended, those attendees who arrived by car will be dismissed first. Those having arrived by bus will be instructed to go to their bus leader, who will have a sign with your parish name and bus number on it. Bused parishes furthest away from Raleigh will be dismissed first. Buses will pick up passengers along Cabarrus St. (not at the main entrance). There will be signs and personnel to direct you.
- Spread the word that Morning Prayer & Adoration and Mass will be livestreamed via the diocesan website for those unable to attend the Congress.
Esperamos darle la bienvenida al Centro de Convenciones de Raleigh el sábado para el Congreso Eucarístico de la Diócesis de Raleigh al comenzar nuestra Celebración del Centenario. Aquí le damos información importante de última hora:
- Las direcciones y la información sobre el estacionamiento se pueden encontrar aquí.
- Las puertas se abren a las 8 a.m.
- Al acercarse a la entrada principal del Centro de Convenciones en 500 South Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27601, asegúrese de tener lista su aplicación en su teléfono o la copia impresa del correo electrónico enviado el 18 de octubre confirmando su registro.
- Los adultos Anglos e Hispanos ingresarán por las puertas de Admisión General.
- Los jóvenes y los acompañantes entrarán por la entrada de jóvenes.
- Los Voluntarios entrarán por la puerta para "Personas con Credenciales" a la izquierda.
- Una vez que haya ingresado al Centro de Convenciones, recibirá un brazalete. Esto le permitirá acceder al Centro de Convenciones ese día y también le permitirá entrar y salir libremente durante el día.
- El primer evento del día es la Oración de la Mañana y la Adoración a las 9:30 a.m. en la Sala de Exposiciones B.
- Hemos intentado dar cabida al mayor número de personas posible en el congreso. Una vez que la Sala de Exposiciones B se llene, es posible que lo envíen a la Sala de Exhibiciones C, donde podrá ver una transmisión en vivo de la Oración de la Mañana y la Misa.
- La aplicación está actualmente configurada en modo de invitación. Ingrese su dirección de correo electrónico y siga el enlace para ver los talleres que seleccionó. El sábado, la aplicación se configurará como “público” para que los participantes no tengan que ingresar su dirección de correo electrónico para acceder a ella.
- Si bien el almuerzo estará disponible en el lugar, le animamos a que también aproveche los restaurantes de la zona.
- Los vendedores y expositores estarán disponibles todo el día en el entrepiso cerca de las salas de exposiciones.
- El Sacramento de la Reconciliación estará disponible desde las 12 del mediodía hasta las 4:00 en el salón C en la parte alta.
- Una vez finalizada la Misa, los asistentes que llegaron en automóvil saldrán primero. A aquellos que lleguen en autobús se les indicará que vayan con el líder del autobús, quien tendrá un cartel con el nombre de su parroquia y el número de autobús. Los buses de las parroquias más alejadas de Raleigh serán despedidos primero. Los autobuses recogerán a los pasajeros por Cabarrus St (no en la entrada principal). Habrá carteles y personal para indicarle.
- Haga correr la voz de que la oración de la mañana y la misa se transmitirán en vivo a través del sitio web diocesano para aquellos que no puedan asistir al Congreso.
Bus Information
Bus information (PDF)
Registration for the Oct. 21 event is at capacity and closed, but Morning Prayer & Eucharistic Adoration and Mass may be viewed via livestream. Morning Prayer & Adoration begins at 9:30 a.m., and Mass is at 5 p.m.
Due to capacity limits, registration is now closed for the Eucharistic Congress.
La registración para el Congreso Eucarístico ahora está cerrada, debido a que se llenó el cupo.
Youth (Grades 6-12)
Youth Track registration is now closed.
La registración para el “Youth Track” está ahora cerrada.
FAQ for Youth Track registration
About Children
The Eucharistic Congress is not designed for children, and there will not be programming for children.
Note: Middle school and high school youth may only attend the Youth Track with their parish youth group and chaperones and must be pre-registered as explained above.
8:00 Doors open for all attendees
9:30 - 10:30 Morning Prayer with Adoration (Exhibit Hall B)
11:00 - 12:00 Keynotes:
- English: Ballroom A/B
- Spanish: Exhibit Hall C
- Youth: Exhibit Hall B
12:00 - 1:30 Lunch (Exhibit Hall A)
Lunch will be available for purchase in Exhibit Hall A. Due to the expected number of participants in the congress, adults are also encouraged to go out of the Convention Center and enjoy lunch in one of many restaurants in downtown Raleigh. Youth leaders from each parish will determine the lunch plans for their parish. Please note that it is not permitted to bring food and drink into the Convention Center.
12:00 - 4:00 Reconciliation (Ballroom C)
1:45 - 2:45 Workshop Session I (Meeting Rooms)
3:15 - 4:15 Workshop Session II (Meeting Rooms)
- Same workshops repeated
1:30 - 4:40 Youth Track Sessions (Ballroom A/B) - PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED
1:45 - 4:15 Eucharistic Miracles Exhibits (Exhibit Hall C)
5:00 - 6:30 Mass (Exhibit Hall B)
Exhibitors available all day in the Exhibit Hall Lobby.
Speakers and Topics
Speaker bios and workshop descriptions
Speakers include:
- Bishop Stephen D. Parkes of Savannah
- Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller of San Antonio
- The Vigil Project, featuring Greg Boudreaux
- Deacon Greg Kandra
- Nell O'Leary
- Monsignor Michael Clay
- Dr. Shannen Dee Williams
- Father Jairo Maldonado
- Katherine Angulo
- Deacon Luis Royo
- Dr. Hosffman Ospino
- Father Casey Cole, OFM
- Sister Laura Downing, IHM
- Brenda García
Exhibitors and Vendors
The Diocese of Raleigh Eucharistic Congress will feature many vendors (for profit) and exhibitors (not-for-profit). Vendors and exhibitors will be located on the mezzanine of the Exhibit Hall level. We are no longer accepting new vendors or exhibitors. Current vendors or exhibitors may contact Frank Jackson at frank.jackson.sr@hotmail.com or 919-740-8329 for event information.
The following exhibitors and vendors will be present:
- AAMEN – African Ancestry Ministry and Evangelization Network
- Alvernia for Young Adults (Encuentro Alvernia Juvenil)
- Alvernia Matrimonial
- Ancient Order of the Hibernians
- Apóstoles de la Palabra (Apostles of the Word)
- Career Network Ministry
- Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the Diocese of Raleigh (English)
- Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Raleigh
- Catholic Committee on Scouting
- Catholic Daughters of the Americas
- Catholics for Abolition in NC
- Couples for Christ
- Diocese of Raleigh Office of Vocations
- Divine Mercy Radio
- Fraternity of Our Lord of Miracles (Fraternidad del Senor de los Milagros)
- Knights of St. Peter Claver
- Ladies Auxiliary of St. Peter Claver
- Native American Catholics
- NC Catholics Caring for Our Common Home
- NC State Council Columbiettes
- North Carolina Knights of Columbus
- Renovación Carismática Católica
- Room at the Inn
- St. Rita Ministry
- The Experience of Emmaus (Men)
- The Experience of Emmaus for Women
- The Foundation (of the Diocese of Raleigh)
- Vagabond Missions
- Worldwide Marriage Encounter
- Young Adult Ministry / Pastoral Juvenil Hispana – Jóvenes Adultos
- Bayleaf Signs and Wonders
- Belmont Abbey College
- Blessed Is She
- Holy Land Souvenirs
- ILP Music
- In His Name
- JE McGuire Cabinetry
- Notre Dame Creations
- Novena Cards
- Steubenville Conferences
- TKC Catholic Bookstores
- Verdin