
Catechesis is the stage in the Christian life that comes after initial conversion to Jesus Christ and proceeds by an initial evangelization of the person who is to be instructed.

In the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelium Gaudium, Pope Francis explains that the process of growth that we bring the faithful through includes:

  1. The initial proclamation of the basic mysteries of our faith (kerygma) to a person
  2. An acceptance by that person of that message and an initial conversion to Jesus
  3. Accompaniment of the person in the process of growth, which among other aspects includes catechesis that:
    • Develops the initial proclamation of our faith
    • Incorporates the celebration of holy Mass (liturgy) and its symbols
    • Utilizes sacred forms of art that show the beauty of our faith
    • Teaches us the moral precepts necessary to live a life in Christ

Our hope is that the resources we present will help you in your efforts to evangelize and catechize the people God has entrusted to you.