Ordained: 1994
Family: Wife, Mary-Jo; adult children, Angela Cocchiola and Dr. Louis F. Howe, Jr.
Profession: Facilities Manager / Business Manager in parishes in Diocese of Bridgeport – Insurance Professional
Home parish: Sacred Heart Church, Stamford, Connecticut
Assigned parishes: St. Brendan the Navigator, Shallotte, NC and St. Joseph Church, Brookfield, CT
When did you first consider a vocation to the permanent diaconate?
Converted to Catholicism in 1980 and first discerned diaconate in 1987.
What is your favorite part of being a deacon?
That even after 28 years of being ordained, there is always something new I can learn and people of God I can bring the gospel message too.
What would you say to someone considering the permanent diaconate?
If you feel your heart tugging in even the slightest way, listen and pray. If the Lord wants you, you will hear the call, and then discern it with family.
What is the most joyful revelation you’ve had about the diaconate since your ordination?
No matter what the challenge, the Holy Spirit will be there to guide you along. You are NEVER alone in anything you do.
Who is your favorite saint and why?
St. Michael the Archangel: My prayers to him helped lead me closer to our Lord, Jesus Christ and my ultimate ordination.