Ordained: 2017
Family: Wife, Marge; 3 children, 4 grandchildren, 1 great-grandchild
Profession: Retired Navy Healthcare Administrator, Military and VA Healthcare lobbyist, Medical Association COO, and most recently Director, Office of Worship Archdiocese of Washington
Home parish: Saint Bartholmew Catholic Church, Bethesda, MD
Assigned parish: Saint Mary Mother of the Church, Garner, NC
When did you first consider a vocation to the permanent diaconate?
I had been attending the 7 a.m. Mass for years and served as a lector, EMHC and, in the absence of a deacon and servers, I assisted the celebrant during the Mass. It wasn't until one of our deacons came to me after a Mass and commented that he could tell I really love the Lord and asked me a simple question: "Have you ever thought about serving God's people as a deacon?" It wasn't until that moment that I had even considered it until he reached out to me. A lesson for all of us to continue to reach out.
What is your favorite part of being a deacon?
So hard to say which is my favorite, but one of my favorite parts about being a deacon is the availability to preach and engaging in that conversation with the congregation. Visiting parishioners at their homes, whether it is to pray or just talk about our spiritual lives.
What would you say to someone considering the permanent diaconate?
Engage with your pastor and deacons, as they have many insights that would be helpful during discernment. It is also very helpful to have a spiritual director.