Ordained: 2014
Family: Wife Sharon; daughters Sarah and Abigail; brother John
Profession: Professional computer nerd for 35 years
Home parish: St. Bernadette Catholic Church, Fuquay-Varina, NC
Assigned parish: St. Bernadette Catholic Church, Fuquay-Varina, NC
Hobbies: Fishing, sailing, scuba diving
When did you first consider a vocation to the permanent diaconate?
I attended a retreat back in 2006 and got to see how a permanent deacon could really have an impact on people, that really put the hook in me. I thought that the perspective he brought, combined with his secular life experiences, gave everyone there the ability to relate to him on a more personal level. I decided then that if the opportunity ever arose, this was something I would like to pursue.
What is your favorite part of being a deacon?
Administering the Eucharist – The first time I was ever able to do so had a profound impact on me. The intimacy and reverence shared, even if just for a moment as I am able to give them the Body of Christ is one of the greatest experiences I get to have.
What would you say to someone considering the permanent diaconate?
First, don’t let yourself quit even when doubts creep in – that is the enemy at work because he does not want others to join this ministry. Second, everyone brings something different to this vocation, and all types of people are needed. God will find the way to put you in the right place at the right time where your unique skills and experiences can have the impact a person needs, and that will help with God's plan.
What surprised you the most about the permanent diaconate?
First, that they decided to let me in. Secondly though, was speed with which such a variety of men could come together and form a brotherly bond within my formation class. I was blessed to be with so many amazing individuals, now brothers.
What is the most joyful revelation you’ve had about the diaconate since your ordination?
That God will let me keep doing this for as long as I am able.
What is your favorite scripture passage?
Tobit 4:5-11 – This is a beautiful prefiguring of the Gospel message.
Who is your favorite saint and why?
Saint Pio of Pietrelcina – I have seen few lives that have been able to live so deeply in connection with our Lord, and with such unwavering devotion. He relied on our Lord completely for his protection, for his ministry, and for all the gifts he was then able to pass to others. I look to his example to remind myself of what can be accomplished when we surrender totally.
Is there anything else you want people to know about you or the diaconate?
My life has been far from perfect, and yet God has revealed what he wants me to know at the right times and has guided me back when I was ready for it. I think too many of us think that if we are not what we picture as “good Christians” then we are beyond hope and so sometimes give up. That is our biggest mistake, giving up. God does not see us as beyond hope or redemption no matter what we have been in the past. He simply desires us to finally reach out to him, and he will always welcome us.