Ordained: 2007
Family: Wife, Angela
Profession: Custom carpenter for 35 years
Home parish: St. Zachary Catholic Church, Des Plaines, Illinois; Archdiocese of Chicago
Assigned parish: St. Ann Catholic Church, Clayton, NC
Hobbies: Creating with God (Master of all trades)
When did you first consider a vocation to the permanent diaconate?
I was approached by the leaders of my home parish and asked to discern God's call.
What is your favorite part of being a deacon?
Serving with God. There is a great, euphoric feeling knowing God's presence.
What would you say to someone considering the permanent diaconate?
Pray, pray, pray always and everywhere. Listen to God! You'll be surprised.
What surprised you the most about the permanent diaconate?
God will let us do things we never thought possible. All of the small acts of love add up to something great.
What is the most joyful revelation you’ve had about the diaconate since your ordination?
God still loves and forgives us even after we crucified him with our sinfulness.
What is your favorite scripture passage?
Love one another as I have loved you.
Who is your favorite saint and why?
The unknown saints who gave their lives in the most humble adoration of our Savior Jesus Christ.