Ordained: 1985
Family: Spouse: Anna M. Rzewnicki, OFS; Children: Eric, Stephanie, Donna; Sister: Bridget
Profession: Cooperative Extension Agricultural Educator, county (NE & PA) and state (OH & NC), followed by Agricultural Research Service (USDA)
Home parish: St. Mary Catholic Church, West Point, Nebraska
Assigned parish: Retired from active ministry
Hobbies: Spoiling my dog, detailing plastic model planes pre-1940 (mostly biplanes), Christian literature
When did you first consider a vocation to the permanent diaconate?
Just after my first Cursillo weekend experience in 1980.
What is your favorite part of being a deacon?
Dialogue with individuals regarding their faith and love of the Lord.
What would you say to someone considering the permanent diaconate?
It is a blessing to represent the Catholic Church publicly.
What surprised you the most about the permanent diaconate?
How much my wife and I are partners in the ministry. We are more effective in other peoples’ lives together.
What is the most joyful revelation you’ve had about the diaconate?
The insights I have been graced with in connecting my faith with all aspects of my life: occupation, family, neighbors, parishioners, members of other Christian faiths, non-Christians and all the rest of creation.
What is your favorite scripture passage?
Psalm 46:10 – “Be still and know that I am God!”
Who is your favorite saint and why?
Teresa of Avila – She and I realize that the temple of the Holy Spirit in within our souls! It’s inside us that we hear the Lord’s voice and receive inspiration for the journey.
Is there anything else you want people to know about you or the diaconate?
The diaconate inspired me to enter a wonderful ministry – certified spiritual direction!