Submit a Safe Environment Training

Complete this form to submit a Safe Environment Training event for the diocesan website calendar. Submissions will be reviewed by the Office of Child and Youth Protection before being forwarded to the website editor for posting.

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Please give your contact info in case we have questions about your event.

Event Information

Event Description

Please copy and paste the relevant provided text into the text area below and edit the sections in brackets to suit to your event.

For Safe Environment Training in English:
[Parish Name] in [City] will host a training in recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect. This is the safe environment training that is required for all clergy, employees and those in leadership positions with children and youth. This session is for either initial safe environment training or for those who prefer renewal via a live session. To register, [insert registration information].  

Note: If the event is online, omit the first sentence and add the information for online registration.

For Safe Environment Training in Spanish:
En la [nombre de la parroquia] de la ciudad de [nombre de la ciudad] se realizará una capacitación para “Reconocer y reportar el abuso y la negligencia infantil”. Este programa, acerca de un ambiente seguro, es requerido para todo el clero, los empleados y  aquellos en cargos de liderazgo que trabajan con niños y jóvenes. Esta sesión es para la formación inicial en un ambiente seguro o para aquellos que prefieren la renovación a través de una sesión en directo en vivo. Para registrarse, [Insertar información]

For Train the Trainer in English:
Have you already attended a Safe Environment Training class? Would you like to be trained to facilitate these sessions that help adults gain the capacity to recognize and report child abuse and neglect? Attend this "Train the Trainer" session. To register, [insert registration information]. 

For Train the Trainer in Spanish:
¿Alguna vez ha participado en un taller de un Ambiente Seguro? ¿Le gustaría ser entrenado para liderar estas sesiones que ayudan a que los adultos obtengan la capacidad para reconocer y reportar el abuso y la negligencia infantil?  Participe en el programa “Capacitar a los capacitadores”. Para registrarse, [Insertar información].

For Deanery Leaders Safe Environment Work Session:
[Deanery name] Safe Environment Leaders Work Session will be held at [name of parish]. The agenda includes an introduction to the new online training module, an overview of new resources that are available and new tools that are helping parishes and schools maintain compliance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People (USCCB 2002 as revised). To register, [insert registration information]. 

For OCYP Online Office Hours:
OCYP Online Office Hours are times when you can get online with Dr. Pendergrass and Deacon Ramon Ferrer to ask questions, share insights, schedule onsite visits, and have any conversation as if you knocked on the door of an office and walked in! There is no agenda, there are no scheduled topics. You may meet others at the online gathering, or you may login just for a quick question. OCYP Online Office Hours are a place to “talk shop” with your peers.

IMPORTANT: Please do not put event dates and times in the event description, as these will appear on the page immediately above the description.

Copy and paste text provided above. Edit sections in brackets with info for your event.

Location Details

Location name and address are required.

Location address

Event Contact Details

This information will appear on the event page.

Additional Info

If you would like to submit multiple training events, you may do so below.  Be certain that the trainings share the same title, contact, location and description information. Please give the new dates and new times times for the additional trainings in the box below. If any of the title, contact, location or description information for these additional trainings is different, please submit a separate form for each training session.