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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This is an exciting and glorious time in the Church as we await the birth of our Lord and reflect on the wonder of Jesus coming to us and living among us in human nature. It brings us great joy to celebrate and cherish the familiar traditions and memories of Christmas. What a wonderful opportunity we have this year to reflect on the centennial of our diocese and how Jesus has made Himself ever present through the Eucharistic mystery and through the gift that each one of us is to the world. In the midst of these wonderful celebrations, I invite you to find time during this busy and joyous time to listen. What is the Holy Spirit asking of each of us? Perhaps the Spirit is calling us and challenging us like Jesus did to see the world in a new way and to do things in a different way than we are accustomed.
As we reflect on the history of our diocese, our own local Church here in eastern North Carolina, we may begin to better understand how God's plan affects not just each of us alone but our neighbors and future generations as well. So many before us have acknowledged that God entrusted them with a mission to love and to serve Him, our neighbors, creation, and ourselves.
This Christmas, as we give thanks to God for sending his Son to live among us, let us reflect on how we may continue to pass along what is good and how we may find new ways to share this beautiful legacy of love and gratitude. Through the intercession of Mary our Mother and Saint Joseph, may their Son and our Lord Jesus help us to live as God's holy family at Christmas, into the New Year and throughout the next 100 years.
In the Love of Jesus,
† Luis Rafael Zarama, J.C.L.
Bishop of Raleigh