Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist, a new feature documentary film, will be in U.S. theaters June 4, 5 and 6 (*June 6 appears with Spanish subtitles). The film is a celebration of the Eucharist as God’s paramount gift to humanity, uniquely able to satisfy the deepest yearnings of the human heart.
The movie is from Spirit Filled Hearts executive producer Deacon Steve Greco and producers James Wahlberg and Tim Moriarty.
Arriving during the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and amid the U.S. Eucharistic Revival movement, Jesus Thirsts is cinematic catechesis on the Eucharist that features authoritative voices in the Catholic Church such as: Dr. Scott Hahn; Curtis Martin; Dr. Timothy Gray; Father Donald Calloway, MIC; Father Chris Alar, MIC; Father Robert Spitzer; Sister Briege McKenna; Noel Díaz; Eduardo Verástegui; Bishop Andrew Cozzens, Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly; Dan DeMatte and the Sisters of Life.
See the film at 4:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. (check local listings), and visit JesusThirtstsFilm.com for resources and ticket information. Find your theater at FathomEvents.com. Follow on social media at #JesusThirstsFilm.