The generosity of the Diocese of Raleigh faithful has been a help for many years to enable the Franciscan Friars in the Holy Land to continue their work of maintaining the sacred shrines and providing hope to Christians. Once again, the Diocese of Raleigh asks for prayers and encouragement for the Holy Father’s Good Friday Collection, which supports the work of the Franciscan Friars in the Holy Land.
Pilgrims are finally, slowly returning to the Holy Places after several difficult years that put to the test the small and fragile Christian presence in the Holy Land. But the challenges are not over yet. Pilgrimages are still far from pre-pandemic numbers, and the ongoing political situation, bringing new threats to the Christian community, makes support more needed than ever.
Each year the Holy Father asks every Catholic parish around the world to take up a collection on Good Friday to keep a Christian presence in the Holy Land. The collection supports the work of the Franciscans in the sacred shrines, ministers to the parishes, provides formation and education in the communities and schools, and cares for the basic needs of people in the Holy Land. It also assists the Congregation for the Oriental Churches to sustain the Eastern Rite Catholic Churches present in the region.
For more information on this important mission, please visit www.myfranciscan.org/good-friday.