Supporting the Archdiocese for the Military


Very Reverend Archbishop Timothy Broglio, Archbishop for the Military Services, USA, recently wrote Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama, thanking him for the Dicoese of Raleigh’s support.

Parishioners recently donated more than $77,000 to support the military archdiocese. This archdiocese relies on private donations to minister to the Catholic military men and women and their families while they serve our country, attend one of the U.S. military academies, or are cared for during injury or illness in a Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

Archbishop Broglio also asked the diocese to continue to pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and the religious life. While the need for more vocations is great, with more than 300,000 Catholics between the ages of 18-29 on active duty, the U.S. military provides the Church with a substantial pool of priestly vocations.