On February 18, the first Sunday of Lent, the Rite of Election was celebrated at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral. This is the second step for those in the process of the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), acknowledging the work of God in the lives of these individuals who are in the final stages of preparation for Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. At this rite they move from being known as catechumens to now being called the elect, because it is God who has chosen them for himself in their faith journey and the community of believers now prays for their continued perseverance in the final weeks of their preparation.
“The Rite of Election is a sign of hope for all of the Church,” explained Patrick Ginty, Director of Faith Formation for the Diocese of Raleigh. “It shows us that Our Lord continues to call people to his holy Church, and he continues to move hearts to conversion and that there are many out there willing to say ‘yes’ to him.”
The Rite of Election is sometimes referred to as the “enrollment of names” because those moving forward to receive the Easter sacraments have been “enrolled” among the community of believers in the Church through their home parishes. Representatives from each deanery (geographic regions of the diocese), a representation of the universal Church, are called forward during the ceremony to present their Book of The Elect. Each book was signed by Bishop Luis Zarama as the catechumens walked onto the sanctuary and assembled around the altar for a blessing before being sent forward for additional Lenten preparation before being fully welcomed into the Church at Easter.
Sponsors, godparents and catechumenate parish team members attended with the candidates. This year, more than two-thirds of parishes in the diocese participated in the Rite of Election. Bishop Luis asked all those present and all of the faithful in the diocese to support the catechumens and include them in their prayers.