In the heart of our diocese, the SALT ministry was founded to “save another lost teen.” Five years ago at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Newton Grove, a unique youth ministry was born that supports young adults who feel a need to work together with their peers to get closer to the Lord in an intimate way. Through prayer and hard work, a group of young disciples created and formed SALT while ministering to one another at the same time.
Redemptorist priest Father Kevin Moley was instrumental in helping form SALT while serving at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Newton Grove in 2018. Father Moley believed in SALT and gave the group a recognition of good standing to begin ministering to others in that same year, and a SALT youth retreat was held to show other people that God is real and that they can fall in love with him.
A peer-led ministry, SALT's mission is to be the “salt of the earth” to the young Church, through the light of the kerygma, which is a proclamation of salvation through Jesus. SALT's vision is for each of the teens to receive with love the talents that the Lord has given them and with authenticity proclaim the Gospel to reach those who have not yet found their identity in the Lord.
Each member that becomes a part of SALT does so with a willingness and understanding of the objectives of the team and what they stand for. A daily lectio divina, or divine reading, is an important part of accomplishing the mission and vision of the ministry.
This ministry has given fruit, in that SALT now has another ministry: SALT Youth Matthew 5:14. Every Tuesday, SALT and SALT Youth bring all the families together for a youth night where each family brings a dish to share. The night begins with prayer and welcoming of any new members. All are welcome at any time of the year. A meal, conversation, meeting and welcoming happens organically for about one hour. Youth, young adults, parents and children go to different spaces with different leaders from SALT and SALT Youth for about 45 minutes and then come back together for one, big family prayer. Each Sunday morning, SALT and SALT Youth leaders come together to pray, give feedback on the past lesson and plan for the following Tuesday.
Father Michael Koncik, C.Ss.R., a Redempotrist priest who is now in residence at Our Lady of Guadalupe, continues to support the work of these young missionaries. Father Michael serves in the meetings on Sundays and works with the group to provide SALT the opportunity for youth Mass, adoration and reconciliation regularly.
Experience the empowering impact of SALT as teenagers share their personal journeys of faith, growth, and resilience. From overcoming challenges to embracing hope, witness how this community-driven initiative is shaping the next generation of leaders.