Pope Francis turns 87 years old on Sunday


On Sunday, Pope Francis turns 87 years old. During the Angelus, thousands of pilgrims are expected to show their affection for him.

In other years, the pope has been seen blowing out candles on his birthday. Both inside the Vatican…

"One… two… three. All together!"

…and in St. Peter's Square.

"We don't know a lot about cooking, but we wanted to make the Pope feel special."

Once, a tango was even organized in his honor.

This year, his birthday will fall on a Sunday—a day where he doesn't typically have official meetings or gatherings. He will pray the Angelus from the window of the papal apartments and that will be an opportunity for the many people present to wish him birthday greetings.

During his 10-year papacy, the Argentine pope has lived through a reform of the Roman Curia, completed 44 international trips, hosted 4 synods and written 3 encyclicals. He does not seem to have any intention of slowing down. Despite the health problems he experienced in 2023, he continues to hold official meetings—sometimes, up to eight in one day. He receives dozens of people at his residence and tries to never miss his appointments with the public at the Vatican.