Father Dongwook Thomas Lee arrived in the Diocese of Raleigh earlier this year to serve as pastor of St. Ha-Sang Paul Jung, a Korean Catholic Church in Apex. Originally from Seoul, Korea and a priest of the diocese there, Father Lee also lived and studied in Germany, said John Bang, general secretary for the parish.
Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama welcomed Father Lee, Bang and Theodora Kim, president of the parish council, to the Catholic Center in Raleigh in July and talked about the country of Korea as well the parish where Father Lee will serve. St. Ha-Sang Paul Jung has about 250 members.
“Father Lee made a rosary with five Korean traditional colors and a knotting method that Koreans have used,” Bang said of a gift Father Lee gave to the bishop. “Each knot is handmade and it takes about 10 hours for an expert to make whole knots on the rosary.”