NC Mass, Rally and March for Life set for Jan. 14 in Raleigh


Bishop Luis Zarama reminds us that we are all called to celebrate the beauty of life, from the beginning to the end, and everything in between.

On Saturday, Jan. 14, at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral, the Diocese of Raleigh will celebrate the annual Mass for Life at 11:00 a.m. Following Mass, under the direction of North Carolina Right To Life, the 25th annual NC Rally and March for Life will take place at Halifax Mall in downtown Raleigh.

“These Masses and marches are a part of our work to pray and fast for the intention to end the evil attitudes, practices and laws that are hostile to life from conception to natural death,” said Deacon Josh Klickman, who directs the Human Life and Dignity Ministry for the Diocese of Raleigh. “We pray and march for the legal protection of unborn children and to promote systems that help people to choose to protect their children and to build a society that respects and values all human life.”