Monsignor Jeffrey Alan Ingham, a priest of the Diocese of Raleigh for 49 years, died Monday, July 29, 2024. He was known for his love of offering Mass and his devotion to the Eucharist. Monsignor Ingham suffered recently from cancer and was surrounded by friends and brother priests in prayer at the time of his death. He was 76.
Jeffrey was born December 2, 1947 in Cleveland, Ohio to William Elmer Ingham and Ruth Catherine Krivanek. An only child, he had a special interest in music, including the piano, organ and violin, throughout his life. He studied at Borromeo Seminary and St. Mary Seminary in his home state. He graduated from Holy Trinity in Irving, Texas in 1975.
He was ordained to the priesthood July 19, 1975 at St. Mary Church [now known as the Basilica of St. Mary] in Wilmington, North Carolina. Bishop F. Joseph Gossman, who was named bishop of Raleigh just three months prior, presided at the ordination. Father Ingham was the first priest ordained by Bishop Gossman for the Diocese of Raleigh.
Father Ingham’s priestly service included time at Sacred Heart [then] Cathedral in Raleigh, St. Patrick Church in Fayetteville, Sacred Heart in Whiteville and Our Lady of Lourdes in Raleigh.
He was chancellor of the diocese from 1984 to 1988. He served two terms as a member of the College of Consultors (2012 – 2017 and 2019 until his death). He also served, at different points in time, as dean of the Fayetteville Deanery and dean of the Raleigh Deanery.
During a sabbatical year, Father Ingham traveled to Lynton, England, in the Diocese of Plymouth. He served as chaplain of a Poor Clares Monastery there from July 2000 until July 2001.
He was named a Prelate of Honor of His Holiness with the title Monsignor in 2006 and, later, served at St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Southern Pines, St. Joseph in Raleigh and St. Luke the Evangelist in Raleigh.
Monsignor Ingham was known for his insightful homilies that often included a moment when he’d stop to point at the altar or cross to help emphasize his thoughts. He frequently shared lengthy quotes, often entire poems, which he committed to memory for his homilies each week.
Liturgically, he left his mark on many churches in the diocese. He served on the committee that furnished Raleigh’s Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral, which was dedicated in 2017, and he was a driving force in the building of an adoration chapel at Our Lady of Lourdes.
Monsignor Ingham was committed to St. Thomas More Academy in Raleigh, an independent Catholic school, where he served as a spiritual director and offered Mass. Each year he delighted in giving the entire student body prayer cards, which likely came from In His Name Catholic store, which Monsignor Ingham was known to visit.
He had an affinity for a quote, which was attributed to St. John Henry Newman. It reads, “May He support us all the day long, till the shades lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then in His mercy may He give us a safe lodging, and a holy rest and peace at the last.”
Funeral arrangements
A vigil will be held Thursday, August 1 at 5:30 p.m. at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral in Raleigh. Father Michael Burbeck, vicar general, will preside and a visitation will follow.
A funeral Mass will be held Friday, August 2 at 10:30 a.m. at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral in Raleigh. Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama will preside; Bishop Michael Burbidge will share a homily. A reception will follow.
Burial will take place Friday, August 2 at 2:30 p.m. at St. Anthony of Padua Cemetery, located at 2922 Camp Easter Rd. in Southern Pines.
Cards and condolences may be sent to Father Michael Burbeck, Vicar General of the Diocese of Raleigh, 7200 Stonehenge Dr. Raleigh, NC 27613.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in honor of Monsignor Ingham to support our future priests and their seminarian formation.
Checks may be made payable to:
The Foundation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Raleigh in memory of Monsignor Jeffrey A. Ingham
7200 Stonehenge Drive
Raleigh, NC 27613
Online donations may be made on his memorial page at The Foundation.
Candidacy Mass
Please note that the Candidacy Mass originally scheduled for Thursday evening has been rescheduled for:
Wednesday, August 7, 5:00 p.m.
St. Peter Catholic Church
Greenville, NC