Harrisburg sister visits the NC coast


SWANSBORO - St. Mildred Parish welcomed Sister Geralyn Schmidt, S.S.C., Sept. 17 for a faith presentation.

From the Diocese of Harrisburg in Pennsylvania, Sister Geralyn is a motivational speaker for members of schools, parish communities and professional groups. She’s known for her sense of humor, joy and ability to help people in their everyday lives.

“Her beautiful message of Jesus' love and faithfulness as our spiritual GPS and anchor for our soul reached many,” said parishioner Janet Oehl, who attended the event. “Sister’s presentations were heartfelt, fun, attention-getting and exuded God's presence and love for us.”

Oehl added that she was thankful for Sister Garalyn’s time, as well as the efforts of those, including people from the parish’s Human Life and Dignity Ministry, Women’s Guild and Knights of Columbus, who helped make the event successful.
