The Diocese of Raleigh shared its annual report and letter from Dr. Russell Elmayan, chief financial officer and chief administrative officer. The report and letter may be found at dioceseofraleigh.org/audit or by calling Anna Aeloiza at 984-900-3413.
According to the report, the diocese is growing in many areas. At the same time, the diocese serves the parishes and the faithful in those parts of the diocese that are not growing.
The report contains information about construction of new facilities, seminarian formation, parish offertory, the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, outreach and other topics.
“I am grateful to Bishop Luis for his focus on fiscal stewardship, and am also grateful to our Diocesan Finance Council, composed of faithful parishioner volunteers and priests, who consistently give our bishop and our diocese their best advice on how the diocesan resources can best be used for ministry and outreach,” Elmayan shared.
Leaders continue to be forward-looking in areas such as acquiring land for future parishes and schools, while it is still available and presumably less costly than it will be in the future. They are using demographic projections and seating capacity studies at existing parishes to guide those searches, they said.
“I am pleased to report that through the generosity of our parishioners, our diocese continues to be financially stable and healthy, and … the diocese has received a clean external audit from the independent accounting firm of Cherry Bekaert LLP,” said Gregg Anglum, chair of the Diocesan Finance Council. “We take seriously our commitment to the fiscal stewardship of the resources that have been entrusted to us.”