Cursillo: 1,500 celebrate 55 years in the diocese


An estimated 1,500 Cursillistas, Alvernistas and their families celebrated the 55th anniversary of Cursillo in the Diocese of Raleigh.

Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama served as the principal celebrant at Mass, which was held July 29 at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral.

Father Marcos León, of St. Bernadette Church in Butner, Father César Torres (St. Mark, Wilmington), Father Bruce Bavinger, S.J. (St. Raphael, Raleigh), Father Bernard Mbay, C.I.C.M. (Sta. Teresita, Beulaville and María Reina de las Américas, Mt. Olive), Father Paul Brant, S.J. (St. Therese, Wilson) and Father John Alex González, formerly of St. Mary Church in Goldsboro, concelebrated.

In his homily, Bishop Luis Rafael described his Cursillo weekend in his hometown of Pasto, Colombia.

“It was a great experience for me,” the bishop said. “I was just graduating from high school and transitioning to trying to find my place in the world. At that point, it was what I needed.”

He went on to challenge the congregation to apply their Cursillo experience on a daily basis in their own lives.

After Mass, the celebration continued with an Ultra Ultreya which included dancing and sharing memories of past Cursillo events.

Learn more about Cursillo in our diocese.