On Wednesday, February 28, Bishop Luis Zarama joined St. Thomas More parishioners in a peaceful vigil outside the Chapel Hill Planned Parenthood, praying for an end to abortion in our community and for the salvation of all souls who visit the clinic.
"We try to be a ‘light on the sidewalk’ for Jesus’ Gospel of life … that all human life is to be respected and cared for, from conception to natural death. We do this humbly, quietly, and peacefully," said Kathleen Siemer of St. Thomas More's Respect Life Ministry. Bishop Luis prayed with the more than 40 parishioners and spoke with the group afterwards.
"We do not have enough words of gratitude and joy when it comes to describing our bishop’s visit," said Siemer. "It was beyond amazing! We prayed a bilingual Rosary and then he ‘tended’ to us like a loving father and shepherd. He gathered us around him and spoke to us about the joy in our hearts and in our prayers. He asked us to always keep God’s joy within us as we prayed to him, and to pray for those who pass by with horns and screams. He said that those persons are hurting very much because they have hearts without love – so we must pray for them in earnest. His visit was a gift sent to us from God – it was a truly a blessed event and one which we will always remember. Many hugs were exchanged before he left, and we all felt ‘filled’ with the blessings given us. What a great shepherd we have – thank you, dear Bishop Zarama, for coming!"
Deacon Josh Klickman, director of Human Life and Dignity Ministry for the Diocese of Raleigh, said the work conducted by parishes partnering with groups like 40 Days for Life praying outside of abortion centers is essential.
"We know that all things are possible with God," Deacon Josh said, "but Jesus tells us that we need to fast and pray. These campaigns keep vigil outside of abortion facilities as a peaceful and educational presence, and the number of lives saved is incalculable. In our short time there, I heard numerous stories of women choosing life and seeking assistance from those praying outside of the center. Thankfully, Pregnancy Support Servies is only a few hundred yards away from the Planned Parenthood facility."
Deacon Josh said that defending the preborn is the preeminent priority for the US Church. "Twenty-five Years ago, Pope St. John Paul II wrote the Gospel of Life, where he stated 'every threat to human dignity and life must necessarily be felt in the Church's very heart; it cannot but affect her at the core of her faith in the Redemption Incarnation of the Son of God, and engage her in her mission of proclaiming the Gospel of life in all the world and to every creature.'"
Learn more about Human Life and Dignity in the Diocese of Raleigh.