Bishop Cheri invites faithful to 'change lanes' at MLK Mass


Bishop Fernand Cheri, Auxiliary Bishop of New Orleans, was the homilist at the 2022 Martin Luther King, Jr. Mass in the Diocese of Raleigh.

At the Mass in Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral in Raleigh, Bishop Cheri gave a stirring homily, in song and spoken word, in which he invited the faithful to consider “changing lanes.”

Referencing a 2002 movie by the same name and expanding on the theme, Bishop Cheri noted that, as we recognize the work of Martin Luther King, Jr., we are reminded that Christ gives to each of us the privilege and ability to “change lanes.”

“Changing lanes is an inescapable and unavoidable part of life and living,” said Cheri. “Trials, hurt, disappointment and even death … in the midst of all of this, we are always “changing lanes.”

Referencing Peter who dropped his nets and followed Christ and fishermen who “go deep” to find a greater catch, Bishop Cheri gave examples of how only by trusting God and leaving the safe and simple path will we find the greatness God has in store for us.

“If we allow the shortcomings of yesterday to paralyze us today, then tomorrow will never be seized, nor appreciated,” said Cheri. “Discouragement does not defeat nor deflate determination.”

“Surround yourselves with other people who know the lasting value of changing lanes and launching into the deep,” he continued. “If we are going to do great things for God, for others, for ourselves, we must launch into the deep… the uncharted.”

As as Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “The time is always right to do what is right.”

Bishop Cheri concluded his homily with some points to help those on their journey to “change lanes”:

Allow the Lord and his word to lead you.

Choose wisely the company you keep.

Remember those who invest in your life.

Give back to the community that gave to you.

Be a blessing to somebody else.

Watch the full Mass on YouTube

Watch the homily:
