The Diocese of Raleigh celebrated a Mass for Life Jan. 18 at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral. During his homily, Bishop Luis Zarama reflected on the Gospel reading of Levi, who was called to follow Jesus and said, “I did not come to call the righteous but sinners” (Mark 2 13-17).
“The power of the conversion was not only for him,” Bishop Luis explained. “In the way that he was changed, in the way that he found joy in being who he was, in restoring his dignity and appreciating the gift of his life, he becomes attractive to the people. Not because he was preaching but because he learned to respect his life. A sinner who changed his life becomes an apostle for life,” he said.
Bishop Luis then encouraged everyone gathered at the Mass for Life to become apostles for life like Levi, giving thanks for life, caring for life and celebrating how Jesus created us.
While in years past, the Mass for Life was followed by a March for Life in downtown Raleigh, this year‘s March for Life in Raleigh will take place on May 17. Beginning this year on October 25, the annual Mass for Life will take place during Respect Life Month (October).
The national March for Life in Washington, DC, will continue to be observed at the parish level and in DC on January 22 for the foreseeable future. Many parishes will be sending busloads of parishioners for this year’s march. For 52 years, January 22 has been observed as a day of prayer and penance, to restore the full legal protection of all preborn children, to support parents facing difficult pregnancies, and to seek forgiveness and healing from the Lord for those times when we have given in to the culture of death.
Bishop Daniel E. Thomas, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities, reminds us that, “As we celebrate this Jubilee Year as Pilgrims of Hope, Pope Francis invites us to experience God’s love ‘that awakens in hearts the sure hope of salvation in Christ.’”
Deacon Joshua Klickman, M.A., who leads the Human Life and Dignity Ministry for the Diocese of Raleigh, reminds us that this is an ideal time to pray in a special way for the healing of mothers and fathers who have suffered wounds from abortion and to provide our own testimony about the hope and forgiveness that comes from God. Deacon Joshua added that, in the midst of these events, it is also important to communicate the support that is available from the Church's compassionate and confidential ministries, like Project Rachel and Catholic Charities.