Annual Faith Formation Day held in Clayton

The Office of Evangelization & Discipleship held its annual faith formation day for 125 leaders from parishes throughout the diocese.

The purpose of the day is to enrich parish ministry leaders using tools, collaboration and spiritual growth.

“I’m always amazed at how simple ministry can be,” said Patrick Ginty. “God has given me a group of people that I need to pour myself in to. And then those people will pour themselves out to people given to them.”

Members of the OED used the opportunity to present their mission, core values and the team that they have assembled to equip parish leaders for evangelization and discipleship.

Read more about the OED team.

Ginty explained that the mission of the new Office of Evangelization & Discipleship is to directly serve parish leaders and ministries. He went on to explain that we as people and we as ministries, were created to come to know, love and serve Christ. 

The OED executes its mission by equipping leaders through resourcing, training, supporting and communicating.

The day included talks from nationally recognized speakers, including Everett Fritz, author of “The Art of Forming Young Disciples” and founder of St. Andrew Missionaries, as well as John Wood, author of “Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Mission” and a speaker with Dynamic Catholic.

Father Ian Van Heusen, parochial vicar at St. Peter in Greenville, led the group in holy hour, and Dana Catherine provided music. 
