Session VI: Commitment to God

A short workshop on basic spiritual practices that will help us remain in Christ.

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In order to truly bear fruit in our ministry we must have an intimate relationship with God. The only way we can grow this relationship is by experiencing Him in prayer and the sacraments. In these activities we will solidify our commitment to God as missionary disciples.

Part I: Our Commitment to Prayer

Meditation is spending intimate time with God in prayer. It goes beyond words and focuses on being in His presence, listening to His personal word to us and being convicted of His will for us. In order to meditate in a Christian way, read the following as a group:

Let’s Review of the Steps of Lectio Divina from Video:

  1. Read the passage
  2. Think about the passage (meditation)
  3. Talk to God about the passage and listen to His response (prayer)
  4. Spending time in God’s presence (contemplation)

The same steps are present when praying a decade of the Rosary:

  1. Read out the mystery (use scripture if possible)
  2. Think about the mystery as you pray the prayers (meditation)
  3. Talk to God about the mystery and listen to his response (prayer)
  4. Spend time in God’s presence through the mystery (contemplation)

Choose a story from the Gospels or a mystery of the rosary and go through the steps explained above. (See attachment for Gospel examples and mysteries of the rosary.)

If you wish to grow in your love of God, it is important to make a daily commitment to prayerful Christian meditation. What will your commitment be? Make sure to set a realistic goal that you can achieve and then build on in the future. It might only be one passage or one mystery a day to begin with. The importance is not the amount of content covered but the time spent in the presence of God. 

Answer the following questions to formalize your commitment to prayerful meditation:

  • Can you commit 15 to 30 minutes of time each day for mediation?
  • What time of day will you spend this time with God?
  • Where will you do your daily prayer (Choose a place with minimal distractions that is conducive to prayer)

Part II: Our Commitment to God’s Mercy

Do not be deceived! Sin is the greatest obstacle to union with God and fruitfulness in ministry. We are all sinners, have all fallen short of the glory of God and are in need of His forgiveness. In order to share God’s mercy with others, we must experience God’s mercy in the sacrament he gave to us. Answer the following questions to create a plan to take advantage of God’s mercy in confession:

  • What are the obstacles I experience to making a regular confession?
  • When is confession available at my church and the churches around me? (Check the parish websites)
  • When will I go to confession next? (Put a date, time and place)
  • How often will I commit to go to confession? (Once every Advent and Easter, every month, more often?)

Remember that confession takes away sin, but in the sacrament, we also receive grace to help us to not fall into those same sins again.

Part III: Our Commitment to Jesus’ presence in the Blessed Sacrament

Jesus is always truly and uniquely present in our Catholic churches in the tabernacles waiting for us to visit and bless us by his special presence there. Spending time in His presence will help us to grow in love of Him and help us to know His will for our lives. Some examples of how we can spend more time in His presence in our churches are:

  • Visiting a Catholic Church close to my place of work or somewhere I visit once a week.
  • Showing up early to Sunday mass to spend time in prayer and prepare for mass.
  • Attending a holy hour conducted at a local church
  • Visiting a perpetual adoration chapel

We recommend that you make a visit to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament at least once a week for prayer. What is your plan to make this a reality in your life?

Part IV: Our Commitment to Study

Once we begin to truly lead others to God, they will have many questions for us. While we may never have all of the answers, there are ways that we can prepare ourselves for basic questions about what we believe and begin to know God better.

Would you be willing to:

  • Go through the basic catechist certification offered through the diocese of Raleigh?
  • Begin to read from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, or the smaller Compendium to the Catechism?
  • Look up answers to our own questions we have online (Catholic Answers webpage for example)?

What small increase in study can you make to know God and his truth better?

Meditate for at least 15 minutes (preferably Lectio Divina)
Pray with or for your family

Attend Holy Mass on the Lord’s Day
Make a visit to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament for prayer
Spend time in faith study or spiritual reading

Make a good sacramental confession

Commitment Prayer
Lord Jesus, You are the vine and I am your branch. I cannot bear fruit in myself or others unless I abide in You. I commit myself to these practices as a way of remaining in You, trusting in You, and allowing You to work in me and through me as You will. By your grace and the accompaniment of Your Blessed Mother I pray for the grace of perseverance. That in all things You may be glorified, and that sinners would turn to You and receive your mercy. 