Add to Calendar2024-02-19 19:00:002024-02-19 19:00:00Safe Environment Team Leaders Work Session
This is the annual meeting for leaders of local safe environment teams. This is the second of four webinars leaders from churches, schools and agencies can choose to attend. THIS IS NOT an initial safe environment training session.
Please register to attend on a computer or tablet. Registration is most effective at least 24 hours before the meeting begins. The first part will be a webinar that will present national statistics, diocesan program updates and items of local interest. The second part will be a discussion. Be ready to transition to a GoToMeeting about halfway through this meeting for conversation among all participants. It will be good to
Your efforts give children and teens a safe place to encounter the sacred. God's Grace changes lives.
Diocese of Raleightechsupport@faithcatholic.comAmerica/New_Yorkpublic
This is the annual meeting for leaders of local safe environment teams. This is the second of four webinars leaders from churches, schools and agencies can choose to attend. THIS IS NOT an initial safe environment training session.
Please register to attend on a computer or tablet. Registration is most effective at least 24 hours before the meeting begins. The first part will be a webinar that will present national statistics, diocesan program updates and items of local interest. The second part will be a discussion. Be ready to transition to a GoToMeeting about halfway through this meeting for conversation among all participants. It will be good to
Your efforts give children and teens a safe place to encounter the sacred. God's Grace changes lives.