Master Catechist Certification


Master Catechists are lay people who have been recognized by the Diocese of Raleigh as having completed a structured program of study in religious education, theology or pastoral studies and have experience in catechesis or adult learning/formation.


To become a Master Catechist, the applicant must meet the following requirements:

  1. Comply with current Safe Environment requirements and have evidence of completion certificate in hand.
  2. Provide supporting evidence of your advanced formal certificate or degree program in religious education, theology, or pastoral studies (or its equivalent).
  3. Documented three years of experience as a catechist and provide a reflection of your experience as a catechist and your personal growth in the faith, include approximate dates and places.
  4. Submit two recommendation letters, one from a catechetical leader or peer and a second from the Catholic parish pastor or Catholic school principal, recommending the applicant for having the background and experience to be awarded the Master Catechist Certification. The letter can be addressed to the Certification Specialist, Aracely Alcala.

Application Process

Apply here for a Master Catechist Certification. Have an electronic copy (PDF, JPEG image or Word document) of all documentation listed above and complete the online application.

Reissued Certificates

A reissued Master Catechist Certificate is available upon request. Request your reissued certificate here.

Renewal Process

Renewal for Master Catechist Certificates is no longer a requirement. However, we encourage ongoing formation.