Stewardship Resources

Diocesan support in the areas of Stewardship, Offertory Improvement, and Capital Campaigns includes consultation, referrals to fundraising vendors, pastor references and, when possible, financial support.

The Diocese of Raleigh promotes a well-received stewardship program called “Our Parish, Our People” (PDF), also known as “4 Hours.”

Stewardship A Disciple’s Response (PDF) - Includes Stewardship and Development in Catholic Dioceses and Parishes: A RESOURCE MANUAL

Stewardship Success: A Practical Guide for Catholic Parishes – Eric and Lisa McArdle, Co-founders of Catholic Stewardship Consultants, Inc., “understand the true meaning of stewardship, and, equally important, what stewardship is not. You will learn…practical steps and best practices you can implement in your parish to help stewardship as a way of life begin to take root in the lives of your parishioners, transforming them into committed disciples of Christ.”

Building a stewardship culture – FREE video COURSE by Tracy Welliver, Senior Director of Church Engagement for LPI, author, speaker, coach, and consultant. Designed for parish leaders (volunteers, pastors, staff) available through